Development of remediation technology for petroleum contaminated soil

Petroleum contaminated soil is a typical organic contaminated soil. It can be divided into in-situ remediation, site remediation and ectopic remediation according to the form of contaminated soil treatment. Common in-situ soil remediation techniques include soil vapor extraction (SVE), bio-venting (BV), in situ chemical oxidation, and bidirectional extraction. In situ remediation generally involves drilling and pumping. SVE is mainly aimed at high volatile pollutants in unsaturated zones, such as light hydrocarbons and gasoline in petroleum products. However, for the less volatile diesel, fuel oil and kerosene which removal rate is not high, is more suitable for the use of BV. For the more difficult components, an additional oxidant is needed to improve the removal rate.The bidirectional extraction can deal with groundwater, free phase and gas phase of petroleum products, which are polluted in unsaturated and unsaturated zone, but the extracted gas and liquid need to be treated separately, which will cost a lot of money and can be combined with other in situ soil remediation techniques to improve the efficiency.

Common soil remediation techniques such as land farming, plow and ventilate the oil contaminated soil in situ, add nutrients and minerals to promote biodegradation, remediation time in good condition takes about 6 months to 2 years, the operating cost is relatively low, but the occupied area is large, with heavy metal pollution on the initial high concentration of organic matter in soil or not applicable, is not suitable for the soil with high initial organic concentration or heavy metal pollution, and the tail gas after cultivation and ventilation needs to be treated to emission. Common bioremediation technologies such as biological compost is to send contaminated soil after mining to the designated location for subsequent processing, almost effectively for removing all petroleum components in the contaminated area, and the exhaust emission can be controlled by closed system design, but in large quantities, spend a lot of money. In addition, it is an economical and effective method to mix petroleum contaminated soil with pulverized coal and add proper dispersant and combustion improver to be used as solid fuel.

PARFECT provides professional soil remediation equipments for contaminated soil treatment, which mix soil binder with contaminated soil through an excavator mixing head. Suitable for oil contaminated soil, heavy metal contaminated soil, foundation settlement.



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