Soft soil subgrade treatment by soil layer replacement method

When the soft soil foundation bearing capacity can not meet the design requirements, and the thickness of soft soil layer is not very big, dig part or all soft soil foundation out within the scope of the subgrade treatment, and then filling sand of greater strength or other stable performance and no corrosive materials into soil layer, and compacted to the required the density. This kind of subgrade treatment is called soil layer replacement method. It is suitable for treating silt, mucky soil, collapsible loess, plain fill and miscellaneous fill foundation.

The strengthening mechanism of soil layer replacement method is: remove the soft soil by artificial, mechanical, or other means, replaced by high strength sand, gravel, plain soil, lime soil, and other stable and non corrosive materials, and tamp a solid foundation for to the required density. If the thickness of soft soil is less than 3 meters, the method of complete digging and replacing can be generally adopted. For the thickness of more than 3 meters, usually only digging and replacing part of the soil layer. The complete replacement have fundamentally improved the foundation, without leaving future trouble, is the most thorough measures. When the highway route passing through a soft soil or mire area with less than 3 meters thickness, usually use the method of complete replacement.

PARFECT soil stabilization equipment can transfer the soil binder through the air compressor to the mixing head which is mounted on the excavator, and mix with the soil to improve the strength of the foundation.

Learn more about in situ soil stabilization



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