Variation of mechanical properties of petroleum contaminated soil

Petroleum contaminated soil can be used as a stabilizing material in engineering, such as road construction. A large number of experiments on soil contaminated by oil spill in the Gulf War have proved that petroleum pollution can lead to the decrease of soil strength and permeability, and the increase of compression. After the pollution of crude oil, the bearing capacity of sand soil has also decreased significantly. Fuel oil will also lead to an increase in soil liquid limit, a decrease in the maximum dry density and agglomeration force and internal friction angle, and a decrease in the free compressive strength. The change of shrinkage exponent originates from the change of viscosity of fluid in porous medium. The friction angle of loose saturated sand and dense quartz sand decreased significantly, and the volume strain increased significantly.

PARFECT provides professional in situ soil remediation equipment

Through the finite element analysis, it is found that the settlement of the foundation is increased by oil pollution. Oily wastewater is also expected for road construction, use it to replace the tap water lead to well graded sand liquid limit and the optimum water content decreased slightly, the maximum dry density increased slightly, but for the high plastic clay has caused the optimum water content and maximum dry density increased slightly , friction angle increases. But the temperature will also affect the mechanical properties of oil contaminated soil, when the temperature is higher than room temperature, swell-shrink characteristic and permeability increase with increasing temperature, but compress to the maximum dry density, shear strength coefficient is not sensitive to temperature changes. Some scholars have also studied a variety of mixed additives, such as lime, dust, cement as stabilizing agent for petroleum contaminated soil, they are found to improve engineering stability of oil contaminated soils and reduce oil leakage, although petroleum contaminated soils contain As, Ba, Cd, Cr, Pb, but no more than the standards of United States Environmental Protection Agency. These researches laid the foundation for the effective disposal and construction application of petroleum contaminated soil.

PARFECT provides professional in situ soil remediation equipment, which mix soil binder with contaminated soil through an excavator mixing head. Suitable for oil contaminated soil, heavy metal contaminated soil, foundation settlement.



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