Construction muck and river silt for Coastal Reclamation

The reclamation area provide a broader space for the future development of the city. The successful coastal reclamation experience of Zhenhai District fly ash emissions of Beilun power plant of can be used for reference. It is understood that the Zhenhai District has already been reclaimed 60 thousand acres coastal area, of which more than 30 thousand acres have been used as industrial land to Zhenhai District government recycling. Through reclamation, not only the pollution of fly ash has been solved, but also good ecological benefits and good economic benefits have been obtained. The reclaimed shoal as treatment site for construction waste and river silt, blow up the mud and mud ashore, after technical treatment in the short term can form large tracts of land, so as to save a lot of land costs, and reduce the pollution of water environment.

PARFECT soil stabilization equipment can transfer the soil binder through the air compressor to the mixing head which is mounted on the excavator, and mix with the soil to improve the strength of the foundation.

Learn more about in situ soil stabilization



Common equipment for soil and groundwater remediation

Redox technology for soil remediation

Who should pay for soil remediation