Treatment of soft soil foundation by cement soil mixing method

Mixing the cement or (lime) material with the soft soil foundation into a column by excavator mounted mixing head, and the column becomes a cement clay pile, it has a certain strength and water stability. The composite foundation is composed of mixed column and surrounding soft soil, which can improve the bearing capacity and strength of foundation, and increase the modulus of deformation of foundation. Otherwise, the soft foundation strengthened by mixing method reduce the foundation settlement, prevent the flow of the water, strengthen the stability of the foundation, and also can prevent the infiltration of groundwater.

Soft soil foundation with normal consolidated silt, silty soil and cohesive soil with high water content and silty soil is used to treat peat soil or ground water, and its applicability should be determined by experiment. Construction of highway and bridge on soft soil foundation, as long as the design and construction measures are proper, can ensure the stability and use effect. Design and construction scheme of embankment on soft soil foundation, should be combined with the local geological conditions, material supply, investment environment, construction requirements and environmental protection and other factors, fully demonstrated according to local conditions, local materials, stage construction, comprehensive treatment principle, the design and construction scheme of advanced technology and reasonable in economy.

PARFECT excavator mounted mixing head injecting cement into the soft soil foundation for the coming bridge construction

PARFECT soil stabilization equipment can transfer the soil binder through the air compressor to the mixing head which is mounted on the excavator, and mix with the soil to improve the strength of the foundation.

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