Foundation treatment method

1.Cement soil mixing pile
Cement soil mixing pile foundation using cement as curing agent, through deep mixer in the deep soft foundation, forced mixing of soft soil and curing agent (slurry or powder) in situ, a series of physical and chemical reactions by curing agent and soft soil, the condensation with integrity, good water stability and high the strength of cement and solid, forming composite foundation with natural foundation.

2.Rock foundation reinforcement
Less cracks, fresh and hard rock, high strength and low permeability, can generally be treated as a natural foundation. However, special measures should be taken to strengthen the rocks, such as weathered rock, soft rock, joint fracture and so on. Methods of batholith reinforcement such as excavation replacement, set fault concrete plug, anchoring and grouting etc..

3.Excavation replacement
For similar subgrade reinforcement method, excavation all the weathered rock above the design requirements of buildings built, replaced by concrete.

4.Setting up concrete plug

The fault breccia and gouge are excavated to a certain depth, and backfill concrete to form concrete plug.

An anchor cable is embedded in the rock to resist lateral force or upward force; Generally, the anchor cable is a high strength steel component wrapped by cement paste or other fixing agent (steel bar, steel wire or steel beam). Anchoring method can also reinforce soil foundation.

There are mainly curtain grouting and consolidation grouting.

PARFECT soil stabilization equipment can transfer the soil binder through the air compressor to the mixing head which is mounted on the excavator, and mix with the soil to improve the strength of the foundation.

Learn more about in situ soil stabilization



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