What are the common treatment methods for soft soil foundation

1.The replacement layer method. It is to remove the bad ground soil, and then backfill the soil with better compaction characteristics to compacted or tamped to form a good bearing layer. Thus, the bearing capacity of the foundation is changed and the ability to resist deformation and stability is improved. In the construction of the project, there are several methods, such as gravel cushion method, replacement method and riprap compaction method, etc.

2.Drainage consolidation method. The main characteristics of the drainage consolidation method are the maturity of the theory, the simple construction equipment and the low cost. The principle of drainage consolidation is that the soft ground under the action of load, the pore water in the soil is slowly discharged, the volume of the pore is decreasing, and the consolidation deformation occurs in the foundation. At the same time, with the gradual dissipating of the excess pore water pressure, the effective stress of the soil increases and the strength of the foundation increases gradually.

3.Preloading method. Before construction, the method of temporary loading of building materials such as sand, soil and other materials is applied to pile up the foundation to exert loads, giving a certain pre compression period, so that the foundation is pre compressed to complete most of the settlement, and the bearing capacity of foundation is improved. After unloading the load, it begins to be built.

4.Deep mixing method. The deep mixing method is mainly used to consolidate saturated soft clay. It uses cement paste as curing agent, applies a special deep mixing machine to send the solidifying agent into the foundation soil, and compacts with the soil to form cement soil pile body, and compose with the original foundation.

5.Dynamic compaction method. The dynamic compaction method is a fast method of reinforcing soft soil, the heavy hammer lifted from the height of free fall, to reinforce the soft soil by impact load, impact force and vibration of the foundation soil, forced compaction, so as to improve the strength of soil, reduce soil compaction, to achieve the purpose of strengthening the foundation.

PARFECT soil stabilization equipment can transfer the soil binder through the air compressor to the mixing head which is mounted on the excavator, and mix with the soil to improve the strength of the foundation.

Learn more about in situ soil stabilization



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